Tuesday 5 October 2010

Stellaris Elite - Informercial

After doing the animation intro to the brand new Stellaris Elite website launch from Bausch+Lomb. I got asked by top london graphic design company GDC to do a television informercial as well as a film to be shown at a medical convention. The films will be shown at the Bausch+Lomb stand on HD Plasma Screens & iPads at the end of October 2010. I'm not able to show you the film that is to go on the stands yet but here is the television informercial I made with a 2 day deadline.

Stellaris Elite TV Informercial: http://www.vimeo.com/15153160

Wasting Your Talent? - Poolia Recruitment

Haven't been posting in a while and forgot to post my work that I edited for Poolia. There is a campaign of 5 internet virals aimed at getting people to go to the poolia website. Check them out.

Finance & Accounting: http://www.vimeo.com/13759732
Banking & Financial Services: http://www.vimeo.com/13759809

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Lost Souls Films

I was just experimenting with an Energy Wave tutorial in after effects and created an animation just incase Lost Souls go into the film industry. Sound Effects done in Apple Soundtrack Pro.

Heineken 'Star World Tour' Animation

Just finished an animation for Heineken about their Star World Tour campaign. The animation was to show Heineken employee's all the different ways the Star World Tour was being promoted.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

My First Post - Stellaris Elite Animation

Here's my first post, been a registered blogger for ages but this is the first time I can put it into use. This is a video I recently finished for graphic design agency GDC for a client of theirs called Stellarise Elite. It's the intro animation they will have for their new website. All the small 'St' logos represent the people that use their Elite equipment and ends with them all located on a map.

Check the video out here: http://www.stellariselite.com

or see it in my Vimeo channel here: http://www.vimeo.com/12738470